EGYPT: November-December 2013. Dendera. The Eastern Arch.
Each time we visit Denderah, the Ancient Past reveals more and more new facts, gradually forming a general picture of the ancient History of Egypt, which is partly "encrypted" here, in 60 kilometers to the North of Luxor in the ancient fortress, known as the Temple of Hat-Hor.
EGYPT: November-December 2013. Abydos. The Temple of Ramsess II.
In 300 meters from the Temple of the Kings, built by Seti I, on the western side of the Beni-Mansur settlement, there are ruins of of the Temple of Ramsess II, the son of the Pharaoh Seti I.
For the first time the Temple of Ramsess II was discovered during the archaeological mission of the French egyptologist Auguste Mariette. Until that time, the Temple of Ramses II and other ancient buildings of Abydos were unknown.