- Dendera -

Each time we visit Dendera, the Ancient Past reveals more and more new facts, gradually forming a general picture of the ancient History of Egypt, which is partly "encrypted" here, in 60 kilometers to the North of Luxor in the ancient fortress, known as the Temple of Hat-Hor.

The detailed analytical photographic material on the architectural features of the Temple was published in our previous report: "Expedition to Egypt 2012. Dendera."

This chapter will focus on a new details of the Dendera Complex, not visited before. It is Eastern Arch, located in 600 meters to the east from the Temple of Hat-Hor.

Eastern Arch.

Below is a scheme of Napoleon's expedition, which shows an object to the east of the Temple of Hat-Hor. The Arch is marked with the red arrow. Probably, this fragment of architecture ever was an integral part of a Hat-Hor Complex.

Below are the photos of the eastern Arch and its surroundings, which contains disparate pieces of the ancient constructions and foundations of ancient buildings.


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