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  • Ancient Architects
  • Ancient Odysseys
  • Bavarian State Library
  • Colin D. Reader
  • Franck Monnier
  • Giza-pyramids.com
  • History for GRANITE
  • Horus Rising
  • James S. Westerman
  • House of Life Abydos
  • Keith Hamilton
  • KEMET.sk
  • Khemit School
  • Lambert Academic Publishing
  • Marcia K. Moore
  • Sunset Guesthouse Abusir
  • The ARX Project
  • The Land of Chem
  • The Upuaut Project
  • Uncharted Ruins
  • Wayne James Howson
  • Statistics

    Total online: 6
    Guests: 6
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    Purposes of the Project


    Purposes of the Project




    1. Searching for the ancient artifacts. Analysis, studying, classification
    2. Studying and reanimation for the lost knowledge of Ancient Civilizations.
    3. Organization of expeditions, trips, visits to museums.
    4. Consideration for the world outlook aspects of Ancient Civilizations.
    5. Comparison of the results of our own researches  with the official scientific data and also with the individual independent views.
    6. Analysing of the historic facts and documents, helpful in understanding the events of the Past. Filling of the "white spots" in the History of the Ancient World.
    7. Collaboration with the organizations and societies for exchanging the information and results in the similar questions and views.
    8. Assistance to the ISIDA Project members and researchers  in their personal development and professional growth.  (Publication of articles, photo and video, results of experiments and etc.,)






    1. Independent views, equality in the statement of thoughts, assumptions, hypotheses.
    2. Impartiality to the facts and objectivity in conclusions.
    3. Mutual respect.












    Osiris and Isis ballet

    © ISIDA Project: International Society for Investigating and Discovering Artifacts

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