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1 5 Thursday, 17.11.2022, 08:40
Thread: Introduce Yourself
Posted by: miltonreid1953
General Questions
General questions, concerning the role of the Hight Technology Civilizations in Ancient History
1 3 Thursday, 29.08.2019, 15:19
Thread: Forum has been opened!
Posted by: BxB

Info Section
ISIDA Project News
16 61 Thursday, 17.08.2023, 07:06
Thread: Mission "Osirion VII&qu...
Posted by: 7th_Guest
Books, concerning the Ancient Artifacts and Researches
1 0 Thursday, 25.04.2013, 08:04
Thread: Library
Posted by: 7th_Guest

Main Section
Megalithic constructions
1 4 Wednesday, 24.07.2013, 04:10
Thread: Serapeum
Posted by: 7th_Guest
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Construction Technology
Discussion of the possible methods of construction and manufacturing of the high-technology artifacts
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Ancient Artifacts
Statues, vases, crystall sculls,and etc.,
1 16 Tuesday, 20.09.2016, 14:50
Thread: Basalt vase in Nubian Museum...
Posted by: dougkeenan
Ancient writing and fine arts
Texts in ancient languages​​, hieroglyphs and inscriptions, prints, drawings, sculptures and statues.
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Ancient Culture
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1 0 Thursday, 28.09.2017, 04:05
Thread: IMPORTANT Information!
Posted by: 7th_Guest
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All-time high attendance 67 reached on Wednesday, 14:30, 18.09.2019.
Forum statistics
Total of 66 threads created, which have 336 replies.
134 members registered. Greetings to our new member alparerdos.

Osiris and Isis ballet

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