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    Catalogue by Author




    Adriaan de Buck, James P. Allen  The Egyptian Coffin Texts: Texts of Spells.

    Aldersmith, H.; Davidson, D.  The great pyramid, its divine message : an original coordination of historical documents and archaeological evidences.  1927

    Archaeological Institute of America. American journal of archaeology. 1885.

    Ashton, John Curious creatures in zoology. 1890.







    Barbault, Jean; Kilian, Georg Christoph. Denkmäler des Alten Roms, oder Sammlung der vornehmsten und noch in Rom vorhandenen Alterthümer: nach Barbaults Zeichnung nebst einer Erklärung derselben
    Augsburg u. Memmingen 1767

    Budge, E. A. Wallis  The Book of the Dead. The papyrus of Ani. A reproduction in facsimile.  1913.

    Budge, E.A.Wallis. Cleopatra's Needle and other Egyptian Obelisks.

    Budge,E.A. Wallis.  The Egyptian heaven and hell. 1905.

    Budge, E.A. Wallis. Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection. 1911.

    Budge, E.A. Wallis. Sarcofagus of Seti I. King of Egypt, B.C. 1370.

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    Budge, E.A. Wallis. The decrees of Memphis and Canopus. New York. 1904. Volume 1-3.

    Birch, Samuel. Egypt from the earliest times to B.C. 300. 1875.

     de Buck, Adriaan; James P. Allen The Egyptian Coffin Texts: Texts of Spells.

    Barnard, Fredericj A.P. The imaginary metrological system of the Great pyramid of Gizeh; 1883.

    Ballard, Robert The Solution of the Pyramid Problem. 1882.

    Belov A.I. PEDIGREE SECRET: a mystery of turning human beings into animals. (rus)

    Benson, Margaret The temple of Mut in Asher.1899.

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    Bolshakov, A.O.  Men and it's double. 2001г.

    Bellini, Gentile; Ménestrier, Claude FrançoisColumna Theodosiana. 1765.

    Bouriant, Urbain; Legrain, Georges; Jéquier, Gustave Monuments pour servir à l'étude du culte d'Atonou en Égypte (Band 1): Les tombes de Khouitatonou

    Bonomi, Joseph; Sharpe, Samuel The alabaster sarcophagus of Oimeneptah I., King of Egypt. 1864

    Bonomi, Joseph; Sharpe, Samuel. The triple mummy case of Aroeri-Ao, an egyptian priest, in Dr. Lee's museum at Hartwell House, Buckinghamshire. 1858.

    Borchardt, Ludwig; Ricke, Herbert. Egypt: architecture, landscape, life of the people. 1920.

    Bewel, Robert. Starry Sphinx: Cosmic Mysteries of the Pyramids. 2007.






    Capart, Jean . Abydos, le temple de Séti I. 1912.

    Caulfeild, Algernon T. Abydos, le temple de Séti Ier. 1902.

    Capart, Jean. Toutankhamon , 1923.

    Cassas, Louis François [Hrsg.]; Volney, Constantin-François [Ill.] Voyage pittoresque de la Syrie, de la Phoenicie, de la Palaestine et de la Basse Aegypte: ouvrage divisé en trois volumes contenant environ trois cent trente planches

    Chassinat ÉmileЭдфу. Французская археологическая миссия. 1930г.

    Champollion, J.F. Dictionnaire égyptien en écriture hiéroglyphique.






    Dictionaries. Learning Ancient Egyptian Language.

    Dümichen, Johannes. Zur Geographie des alten Ägypten , 1894.

    Dümichen, Johannes. Dendera : in einem der geheimen Corridore im Innern der Tempelmauer aufgefunden und erläuternd mitgetheilt . 1865г.

    Dümichen, Johannes Altägyptischen Tempelinschriften in den Jahren 1863 - 1865 an Ort und Stelle gesammelt und herausgegeben von Johannes Duemichen. сh 2 1867.

    Dümichen, Johannes. Altägyptischen Tempelinschriften in den Jahren 1863 - 1865 an Ort und Stelle gesammelt und herausgegeben von Johannes Duemichen. сh 1 1867.

    Dümichen, Johannes. Der ägyptische Felsentempel von Abu-Simbel und seine Bildwerke und Inschriften. 1869.

    Dümichen, Johannes. Resultate der auf Befehl Sr. Majestät des Königs Wilhelm I. von Preussen im Sommer 1868 nach Aegypten entsendeten Archäologisch-Photographischen Expedition. 1869

    Dümichen, Johannes. Die kalendarischen Opferfest-Listen im Tempel von Medinet Habu. 1881.

    Davidson, D.  ldersmith, H The great pyramid, its divine message : an original coordination of historical documents and archaeological evidences. 1927.







    Edgar John and Edgar Morton The Great Pyramid Passages and Chambers. 1910-1913

    Erman, Adolf Die sprache des papyrus Westcar : Eine vorarbeit zur grammatik der älteren aegyptischen sprache. 1889.







    Furlong, D. Egyptian Temple Orientation. 2007.

    Frankfort, H. Preliminary Report of the Expedition to Abydos 1925-6. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 12, No. 3/4 (Oct., 1926).

    Fish, W.E. Egyptian Pyramids: A Great Mystery. 1880.

    Fakhry, A. Ancient Mysteries of the Pharaons. (rus)

    Fisanovich, T.M. Mysteries of the Ancient Pyramids. 2006. (rus)

    Frauberger, Heinrich. Die Akropolis von Baalbek. 1892






    Gulyaev V.I.  Cities of Maya. 1979.  (rus)

    Gori, Antonio Francesco. Columna Trajana. Amsterdam, 1752.

    Grafton Elliot Smith The Royal Mummies. 1912.

    Group of authors Mysteries of the Ancient Writings. 1976. (rus)

    Group of authors. Éclaircissemens sur l'inscription grecque du monument trouvé à Rosette, contenant un décret des prêtres de L'Égypte en l'honneur de Ptolémée Épiphane, le cinquième des rois Ptolémées. 1803

    Gustave Jéquier; Bouriant, Urbain; Legrain, Georges  Monuments pour servir à l'étude du culte d'Atonou en Égypte (Band 1): Les tombes de Khouitatonou. 1903.

    Van Gelder, Jain  Pyramids of Egypt: who has biult them and what for? 1885.

    Graeff, J.-P.; Effland, А.; Falck, М.  Edfou Project. Open Book.  2009.

    Gardner E.A.; Petrie, William M. Flinders Egypt Exploration Fund.1886-1888.

    Greaves, John П Пирамидография. 1752г.

    Glidden, George R. Ancient Egypt : Her monuments hieroglyphics, history and archeology, and other subjects connected with hieroglyphically literature. , 1848.

    Gori, Antonio Francesco; Schwebel, Nicolaus. Antiquitates Etruscae. 1770.










    Hassan, Selim Excavations at Giza. The Solar Boats of Khafra. Vol. VI. Part I. Year 1934-1935..

    L'Hôte, Nestor Lettres écrites d'Egypte en 1838 et 1839: contenant des observations sur divers monuments Égyptiens nouvellement explorés et dessinés 1840

    Hölscher Uvo; with Foreword by J. H. Breasted. The Excavation of Medinet Habu, Volume 1: General Plans and Views. 1934.

    Hancock, G. Fingerprints of the Gods.









    Jomard, Edme François. Description de l'Égypte: Antiquités . 1809.

    Johann Esaias. Geogenie. vol 3. 1783

    Jenkins, Nancy King Cheops' Royal Ship: The Boat Beneath the Pyramid.

    Journal "Notes from the Past" Vol 4. 1905.  (rus)

    Jirov N.F. Atlantida. Main problems of  Atlantology. 1964.







    Kulikov V.A. "Estrella: analysis of the composition. Geoglyph in Nasca Mountains - cheme of the Great Pyramid?" (rus)

    Knorozov U.V. Hieroglyphs of Maya. 1975. (rus)

    Kondo J., Yoshimura S. Conservation of the wall paintings in the Royal Tomb of Amenophis III: first and second phases report.

    Kirchmaier, Georg Caspar. De Atlantide ad Timaeum atque Critiam Platonis, Disseret In Alma Leucorea, Praeside Georgio Caspare Kirchmaiero. 1685.








    Loret V. Necropole Memphite. 1899.

    Levitsly L.P. Ancient maining. 1941. (rus)

    Legrain, Georges; Bouriant, Urbain; Jéquier, Gustave. Monuments pour servir à l'étude du culte d'Atonou en Égypte (Band 1): Les tombes de Khouitatonou .1903.

    Lucas, Paul. Reise nach der Levante(Band 1). 1707.

    Lyons, Henry G. A report on the island and temples of Philae, 1896.

    Lucas, Paul. Voyage Du Sieur Paul Lucas Au Levant (Band 1-3) . 1705.







    Mohammad Zaki Nour, Mohammad Salah Osman, Zaky Iskander, Ahmad Youssof Moustafa. The Cheops Boats. 1960.

    Mercatoris, G. Atlas Minor. 1631.

    Murray, Margaret Alice; Milne, J. G. (Joseph Grafton); Crum, W. E. (Walter Ewing) The Osireion at Abydos. 1904.

    McCarty Louis PhilippeThe great pyramid Jeezeh. 1907.

    Morgan J. de. Foulles a Dashour 1894.

    Mariette, A. Denderah. Grand Temple de Cette Ville. 1870.


    Mariette, A. Outlines of ancient Egyptian history. 1892.

    Mircea Eliade. History of Religion (rus)

    Morgan, J de. Carte de la nécropole Memphite : Dahchour, Sakkarah, Abou-Sir. 1897.

    Mohammad Zaki Nour, Mohammad Salah Osman, Zaky Iskander, Ahmad Youssof Moustafa. The Cheops Boats. 1960.

    Morgan, J. de Necropole Memphite. 1897.

    Mariette, A. The monuments of Upper Egypt.1877.

    Mariette A. Des pylônes de Karnak. 1875.

    Rossi, Filippo de; Marliani, Bartolomeo. Ritratto Di Roma Antica: Nel Qvale Sono Figvrati I principali Tempij, Teatri, Anfiteatri, Cerchi, Naumachie, Archi triumfali, Curie, Basiliche, Colonne, Ordine del Trionfo, Dignità Militari, e Ciuili, Riti, Ceremonie, & altre cose notabili. 1627.

    Magnan, Dominique. Calcografia Della Colonna Antonina. 1779.

    Molina, Cristóbal de Narratives of the rites and laws of the Yncas.1837.

    Mariette, A. Le Sérapéum de Memphis. 1882.

    MAYER, Luigi. Views in Egypt. 1801.

    Mehller S. The Land of Osiris. (rus)






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    Norman, B.M. Rambles in Yucatan or, Notes of travel through the peninsula, including a visit to the remarkable ruins of Chi-Chen, Kabak, Zayi, and Uxmal. 2d ed. 1843






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    Piazzi Smyth. Life and Work at tthe Great Pyramid. 1867.

    Piazzi Smyth. Our inheritance in the Great Pyramid : including all the most important discoveries up to the present time. 1907.

    Piazzi Smyth. New Measures of the Great Pyramid by a New Measurer. 1884г.

    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. ABYDOS. 1903.

    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Heliopolis, Kafr Ammar and Shurafa . 1915.

    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Dendereh: 1898; extra plates. 1900.

    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Ten Years Digging in Egypt. 1881-1891.

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    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Illahun, Kahun and Gurob: 1889 - 1890. 1891.

    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Researches on the Great Pyramid . 1874.

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    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Meydum and Memphis. 1910.

    Petrie, W. M. FlindersMemphis (Band 1 - 6). 1909-1915.

    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh, 1883.

    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Tanis. 1885.

    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. A season in Egypt. 1887.

    Petrie, William M. Flinders; Gardner, Ernest Arthur. Naukratis. 1886-1888.

    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Hawara, Biahmu, and Arsinoe. 1889.

    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty. 1900г.

    Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Tools and Weapons. 1917.

    Perepelkin V.G. Ancient Egypt History. 2000.

    Perring, John Shae; Andrews, E. J. The pyramids of Gizeh: from actual survey and admeasurement. 1839.

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    Peet, Thomas Eric The Mayer Papyri A & B. 1920.

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    Pleyte, Willem  Papyrus de Turin, 1869-1876






    Quibell, James Edward, Lacau, Pierre, Thompson, Herbert, Spiegelberg, Wilhelm   Excavations at Saqqara (1905-1914)







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    Rosselini. I monumenti dell'Egitto e della Nubia. Vol 1-3. 1832.

    Rossi, Filippo de; Marliani, Bartolomeo. Ritratto Di Roma Antica: Nel Qvale Sono Figvrati I principali Tempij, Teatri, Anfiteatri, Cerchi, Naumachie, Archi triumfali, Curie, Basiliche, Colonne, Ordine del Trionfo, Dignità Militari, e Ciuili, Riti, Ceremonie, & altre cose notabili. 1627.

    Rouge, de M. Le Vicomte Emmanuel Inscriptions et notices recueillies à Edfou (Haute-Egypte) pendant la mission scientifique. 1880.







    Sitchin, Z.  Vol. 1- 10. (rus)

    Smith, Grafton Elliot. The Royal Mummies. 1912.

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    Squier, G. Incidents of Travel and Exploration in the LAnd of Incas. 1877.

    Saad, Zaki Royal Excavations at Saqqara and Helwan. 1941-1945.

    Stefanoski, S.V. Din arhivele Daciei

    Sharpe, Samuel ; Bonomi, Joseph. The alabaster sarcophagus of Oimeneptah I., King of Egypt. 1864

    Sharpe, Samuel. Egyptian antiquities in the British Museum. 1862.

    Sharpe, Samuel. The history of Egypt from the earliest times till the conquest by the Arabs, 1859

    Sharpe, Samuel. Egyptian mythology and Egyptian christianity. 1863

    Sharpe, Samuel; Bonomi, Joseph The triple mummy case of Aroeri-Ao, an egyptian priest, in Dr. Lee's museum at Hartwell House, Buckinghamshire.
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