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    Main » 2013 » July » 23

    EGYPT: December - 2012.
    Saqqara. Quartzite Sarcofagus in the Desert.

    The railroad is crossing the Desert in two kilometers to the North of the Red Pyramid. It lies a few meters below the level of sands of Saqqara.  So, here we can easily see the the structure of the geological layers of Saqqara, cut while the construction of the railways.
    In this report shall focus on one single artifact - quartzite sarcophagus, which, probably, was found during the removing these geological layers, while construction the railway though the Saqqara Desert.

    Views: 1133 | Added by: 7th_Guest | Date: 23.07.2013

    EGYPT: December - 2012.
    Saqqara. Shepseskaf Mastaba.

    The Mastaba of Shepseskaf is located in South Saqqara, 3.5 km to the south of the Pyramid of Djoser and 3.5 km to the North of the Red Pyramid at Dahshur. Its perimeter is 100 x 75 m and its height is - 18 m. Mastaba consists of 10 rows of limestone blocks, which are strongly damaged by erosion. There are a lot of fragments of the facing blocks and granite pieces of some ancient structures, located at the foot of the Mastaba.

    Views: 1052 | Added by: 7th_Guest | Date: 23.07.2013

    EGYPT: December - 2012.
    Saqqara. The Pyramid of Pepi I.

    The pyramid of Pharaoh Pepi II is located in South Saqqara, a mile away from the Pyramid of Pepi I.

    The Pyramid complex of Pepi II was discovered by John Perring. In 1881. Gaston Maspero was the first to enter the interior of the Pyramid.

    Among other artifacts, we have paid special attention to the basalt block, located in the southeast of the Pyramid.  It has a great number of high-tech traces of ancient instrument, left on it's surface.

    Views: 1113 | Added by: 7th_Guest | Date: 23.07.2013

    Osiris and Isis ballet

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