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    Main » 2023 » July » 19

    OSIREION-VII Project Mission has been started!

    One day a patient archaelogist may come to Abydos to investigate all its unknown and fascinating possibilities. Maybe he will stir the enthusiasm and admiration of the entire world maybe
    with something bigger and more important than Lord Carnavon's discovery
    of Tut-ankh-Amon's mortuary treasures in 1922.

    Dorothy Louise Eady (Omm Sety)

    ISIDA Project announces, that OSIREION-VII Project Mission, under the direction of James Westerman and supervision of Dr. Ahmed Aziz of Sohag University and the approval of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Ashraf Okasha Regional Director has been started!  The results will be published after the first step of the research work will be done. 

    Click the image to learn more 

    Views: 1762 | Added by: 7th_Guest | Date: 19.07.2023

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