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    Main » 2023 » December » 2 » Studying the Groundwater in and Around the Osireion, Abydos, Egypt
    Studying the Groundwater in and Around the Osireion, Abydos, Egypt

    Prof. Dr. Ahmed Aziz (Former President of Sohag University),
    Ahmed M. Masoud (Sohag University),
    James Westerman (Head of the Mission Osireion-VII )

    Studying the Groundwater in and Around the Osireion, Abydos, Egypt

    In the frames of the Conference: Uncovering Abydos
    The lection is scheduled for: December 6th, 2023, 14:00 at the Egypt Exploration Society.
    Location: The British Council, 192 Sharia el-Nil, Agouza, Cairo

    Continuation of the Osireion-VII Mission, launched on July 21, 2023.

    Video  of the report "Studying the Groundwater in and Around the Osireion, Abydos, Egypt", made by Ahmed Aziz on the Conference "Uncovering Abydos" on December 6, 2023:

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