- Abydos -
Umm el-Qaab

Umm el Kaab - is considered to be the oldest Egyptian Royal Necropolis of the Predynastic Kings, who ruled during the period of the I and II Dynasties. It is located in 1,5 km  to the west of Abydos at the foot of a rock cliff, on the border of the junction of the "Low" and "High" plateau of Sahara Desert.

The name of the area, in translation from Arabic, means "The Homeland of Pots", due to the great number of ceramics fragments, scattered throughout all the Necropolis area.

Below are pictures of the monument, known as "The Tomb of King Den."

This ancient structure was first discovered by the British Egyptologist Flinders Petrie. It is absolutely unique and its architecture has no analogues. Its area occupies 728 sq.m.


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