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EGYPT: December - 2012. The Temple of Kom-Ombo.
The city of Kom Ombo is located on the
east bank of the Nile river in 50 km to the north from the city of
Aswan. Most part of the ancient ruins here is buried by sand. The ruins
of the temple have been excavated and partially restored in 1893 by
the the Egyptian Service of Antiquities, under the direction of French
archaeologist - Jacques de Morgan.
Views: 1185 |
Added by: 7th_Guest |
Date: 27.06.2013
EGYPT: December - 2012. DAHSHUR: Bent Pyramid of Sneferu. Into the Bent.
The story of Pyramid's name is covered by
the mystery of thousands of years, as well as the original purpose of it. Relying on the schemes and drawings of
the first researchers of the Bent Pyramid (John Perring, Ahmed Fakhry,
and Hassan Mustafa), we entered it's internal structure to show you what
has been hidden behind the iron door of the North Descending Passage.
Views: 1538 |
Added by: 7th_Guest |
Date: 26.06.2013
EGYPT. Bent Pyramid Complex. Facts, ideas, hypotheses.
"... Pyramids of Giza are well known and measured far and wide. The great amount of literature is dedicated to them. You can easily find photo- and video-filming of their interiors in the ‘world web’. Moreover, almost all pyramids have free public access; therefore any volunteer can find enough information or visit pyramids personally.
However, the abovesaid doesn’t concern to the Bent Pyramid that is rightly considered to be the most unexplored and mysterious one among the great pyramids of Egypt."
Full version >>
Views: 1410 |
Added by: avalon |
Date: 06.05.2013
PERU: Saqsaywaman. The Question of the Material Origin of the Saqsaywaman Fortress
"... And even 450 years later, thousands of tourists, who come
here to visit the Inca ruins, are experiencing together some kind of
fear, amazement and wonder. From Cuzco to Pisac, from Ollantaytambo to
Machu Picchu, they are admiring the beauty of Inca buildings, being
stunned by the real size of the stones, and their fantastic joining to
each other."
(Jean Pierre Protzen)
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Views: 1301 |
Added by: 7th_Guest |
Date: 25.04.2013
EGYPT: December - 2012. SAQQARA: The Pyramid of Zoser.
The Step Pyramid at Saqqara is the oldest surviving in the world of the large stone architectural buildings, and also it is the first pyramid in Ancient Egypt. According the official history version, it was built by Imhotep for the burial of an Egyptian pharaoh Zoser around 2650 BC. The Zoser Pyramid has six steps, with a base size 115x125 m and a height of about 62 m.
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Views: 1313 |
Added by: 7th_Guest |
Date: 25.04.2013
EGYPT: March -2013. SAQQARA: Shepseskaf Mastaba. Interior.
 The Shepseskaf Mastaba is located in South Saqqara. According the
official version it is the tomb of the last pharaoh of IV dynasty, who
decided to distinguish themselves by building a Mastaba itself instead
of the pyramid. Mastaba is a rectangular structure approximately 100x75
meters, 18 meters high. It is composed of 10 rows of huge limestone
blocks, which are currently subjected to terrible erosion.
Views: 1353 |
Added by: 7th_Guest |
Date: 23.04.2013
Dear Guests and Project Members!
Publication of Expedition Reports, created by the ISIDA-Project Research Group has been started! Now we are starting publishing the chapter by chapter reports of two expeditions: "Egypt: December - 2012" and "Egypt: March -2013". Publication of each chapter will announced in the News section of the website.
Sincerely, ISIDA Project Administration Group
Views: 1046 |
Added by: 7th_Guest |
Date: 23.04.2013
Photo album: "The Ruins Greatness. Egypt: The Look into Eternity"
Author: Senmuth
Size: 210х210 mm.
Paper: 150 g/m2, coated; bookjacket - 300 g/m2 (silver)
Number of pages: 136
The Ancient Egypt ruins: from the point of view of the last century travelers, artists and photographers.

Views: 8085 |
Added by: 7th_Guest |
Date: 18.04.2013
Dear Guests!
The Administration of Portal "ISIDA Project" apologizes for the temporary inconvenience, caused by online construction works. Some web-pages are still under construction (being translated into English).
Open soon! Thank You for understanding!
Administration of "ISIDA Project"
Views: 1064 |
Added by: 7th_Guest |
Date: 18.04.2013
The engine of English web-site has been started today. It is closed for guests and users, until all the works on filling it with information and special modules, will be completely finished.
Russian page is available here:
Views: 1418 |
Added by: 7th_Guest |
Date: 19.02.2013