The Pyramid of Pepi I

The pyramid of Pepi I is located in South Saqqara, in two kilometers to the south of Djoser. Its original height was 52.5 meters and perimeter made 78.5 meters. The slope of the Pyramid sides, according to the survived facing blocks of it's first row - is 53 ° 07'48 ".

The Pyramid was first discovered in 1830 by John Perring. In 1880, the brothers Brugsch found inscriptions in the Burial Chamber.

The Pyramid of Pepi I was the first one were the ancient inscriptions were found. This fact gave Gaston Maspero the reason to start his searches for the "Pyramid Texts" inside other pyramids of Ancient Egypt.

In the 60-ies of XX century French archaeological mission made wide-scale excavations of the whole complex of Pepi I.














The last two photos show the alabaster floor of the Pyramid Eastern Temple.


Among the great number of broken limestone pieces of ancient structures, there is a very remarkable granite block, which is shown in the first two pictures of the below row. It can be seen even on the satellite image. It is much similar to the floor blocks, which are usually located at the gates of the temples. In the temples these blocks are sunk into the ground, and only the surface is visible, as a part of the floor.



Below are the photos of the artifacts (fine cut) on the basement blocks of the Pyramid of Pepi I. Probably, these are the same marks, left while the installation and adjustment of facing blocks on the basement masonry of the Pyramid. We have already described them in that chapter about the Pyramid of Unas.



The pictures below are showing an excavated part of the "Ceremonial Causeway", leading from the Pyramid Upper Temple down the Nile. Here we can see the fragments of the granite gutter. The Valley Temple has not been found yet.



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