The Pyramid of Meidum

The Pyramid of Meidum is built of limestone blocks. It has non-standard shape and consists of 7 steps, theree of which are visible.

  • In the XV century Egyptian historian and geographer Al-Maqrizi was the first, who reported about the unusual shapes of the Pyramid.
  • In the XVIII century Frederick Louis Norden described the Pyramid and reported about three visible steps.

  • In 1799, Napoleon's expedition described the Pyramid, creating the basement for future, more detailed studies.

  • In 1837, the Pyramid was studied and explored by John Perring.

  • In 1843, Karl Lepsius made the description of the Pyramid in his famous list of the Egyptian Pyramids at No. LXV («65»).

  • Gaston Maspero described the interior of the Pyramid.

  • The most detailed description of the Pyramids was made 10 years later by Flinders Petrie, who worked there with Percy Newberry and George Fraser.

  • Ludwig Borchardt was able to collect some significant information about the Pyramid. In particular - the fact that it has been rebuilt and oriented on the different geographical directions.

  • British-American expedition of Sir Alan Rove has begun the researches of the Pyramid in the beginning of the XIX century and continued them for over 50 years.

  • In 1999, Gilles Dormion and Jean-Yves Verdhart have discovered some previously unknown areas and passageways inside the Pyramid.


External architecture of the Pyramid.

















While studying, the outer surface of Meidum Pyramid, we have measured the distances between all the possible broken steps, across the perimeter of the Pyramid. As was found out, the distance between the support walls in all the cases appeared to be approximately 5.24 m (10 qubits). This fact confirms the correctness of the Pyramid scheme.

Pyramid's Temple.

(Click on the camera icon to get a picture of the relevant place)



The inspection of the Temple gave the following results. Width of the corridors of the Temple makes 0.86 m, it is about the same as the Pyramid's Descending Passage. At the moment, the Temple was excavated deeper than it's original floor level. The floor is removed. The level of the original floor of the Temple can be seen by ledges on the walls near the floor (the first two photos in the row below).


The heigh of the rooms is 1.47 m (about 3 qubit). The present level of the floor is 40 cm below the original floor level. The fact that the original floor was above the one, we can see now, can be explained by the "different" first line of masonry walls of the Temple.

On the south side of the Pyramid, in the limestone mounds, along with sea shells (photo 1), there are brown inclusions in the form of regular geometric lines.


The internal architecture of the Pyramid.

Entrance to the Pyramid and Descending Corridor.

In contrast to the standard top-down section of pyramid's passages, the height of the Descending Passage of the Pyramid of Meidum is 1.7 m






Broken part of the Descending Passage.






Antechamber and vertical passage of the Upper Chamber.


Climbing the vertical wooden ladder, one can easily notice the joining of the block masonry of the pyramid to the nature rock. The last two pictures are showing a passage to the Upper Chamber.



Upper Chamber.








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