- GIZA -

The Great Pyramid of Khufu

  • The height of the Pyramid today ≈ 138,75 m
  • The angle of the sides - 51 ° 50 '
  • Length of the Pyramid sides: south - 230.454 m x north - 230.253 m x west - 230.357 m x east - 230.394
  • Base area ≈ 53,000 m ²
  • The lateral surface area of the Pyramid was originally ≈ 85,500 m ²
  • The perimeter of the base - 922 m
  • Total volume of the Pyramid without deduction of all known rooms ≈ 2,58 million m ³
  • Total volume of the Pyramid, after the deduction of all known rooms - 2.50 million m ³
  • The average weight of the stone blocks - 2.5 ton
  • The heaviest stone block - 15 ton
  • Number of blocks - about 2.5 million
  • The total weight of the Pyramid - about 6.25 million ton

During the expedition in 2012, the special attention was given to the foundation of the Pyramid of Khufu, the Internal rooms of the Pyramid and its Original Entrance.

The basement of the Pyramid is made of rectangular blocks of white limestone. Width of these blocks varies between 1.5 - 1.8 m. The length of the basement blocks is impossible to estimate, because they are going beneath the Pyramid masonry.









Below are some pictures, taken inside the Pyramid of Khufu: Grand Gallery, King's Chamber, the granite sarcophagus and Ascendant Passage, leading to the Original Entrance.

Cross-section of the Passage, leading into the Queen Chamber - 1.045 x 1.183 m
Cross-section of the Passage, leading to the Antechamber 1.085 x 1.123 m
Portcullis thickness - about 0.55 m
Granite portcullis width - 0,958 m
















The Original Northern Entrance to the Pyramid is located at a heigh of 15.6 meters above the Giza Plateau. This Entrance is closed and not available for tourists. Tourists are entering the Great Pyramid of Khufu through the hole, made ​​by Khaliph Abu Jafar al-Mamun in the Year of 820.

Below are the pictures of the Original Entrance inside the Pyramid of Khufu.

Click on the picture to get it in a high resolution.




Considering the battlements of the "gearwheel", half seen out from under a set of the Pyramid masonry, one can see a great number of different inscriptions, covering it, as well as the rest megalithic blocks of the Entrance. These inscriptions, made on various languages, were left at different times by different people, who thus tried to left their names for the Eternity. Among these endless number of "autographs" of different ages, times and nations, there is a well-known inscription, the meaning of which is not solved yet. The language of its symbols does not belong any writing. This "signature", like other ones, is scratched in the limestone between the "battlements", of the "gearwheel", and is notable only for the fact, that its meaning is still remains unknown.






The the last picture shows the view from the Original Entrance of the Khufu Pyramid to the "Unfinished" Pyramid at Abu Roash.

The Pyramid of Khufu has three Pyramids-Satellites: Pyramid Hetepheres (G1a), Pyramid Henutsen (G1c) with the slope of the sides - 51.7 degrees, Pyramid Meritites (G1b) with a slope of the sides - 52.4 degrees.

Below are a few photos of the external view of these Pyramids-Satellites.









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